Avoid the threat of mud stains to your perfectly clean carpets with our powerful Vanish Oxi Action formula, lifting those annoying stains first time, every time.
As mud stains on clothing can be a little tricky to remove, pre-treat the affected garments first using Vanish Oxi Action Powder. Next, soak the garment with Vanish, before washing as usual with your normal detergent and an added dose of Vanish!
Read on for instructions on how to get best results on your mud stain.
How to remove mud stains from white clothes
To remove mud stains from white clothes, always allow the stains to dry. Once dry, either shake, scrape or brush the clothes to get as much of the dry clumps off as you can. If the item of clothing is covered with dried mud, use a vacuum on it. Next, rinse off under cold water. Finally, use Vanish Oxi Action Powder to finish in these three simple steps:
How to remove mud stains from coloured clothes
To remove mud stains from coloured clothes, follow the same steps as above when it comes to allowing the mud to dry and scraping off as much as possible. Next, use Vanish Oxi Action Powder in these easy steps:
How to remove mud stains from shoes
To remove mud stains from shoes, you’ll need to assess the shoe material. For rubber, leather and traditional non-fabric shoes, such as football boots or gumboots, simply hose the mud off with water. If the mud has dried, use something sharp to remove any chunks, being careful not to damage the material, and wipe clean with a dry cloth. For fabric shoes, like canvas trainers, simply throw into your machine with a scoop of Vanish powder to clean. Specialty materials, such as suede, should always be cleaned by a professional.
Additional stain removal tips
Learn how to remove grass stains with our handy guide.
Stubborn grease stains can wreak havoc on your favourite clothes.
Our tips on removing rust stains with Vanish.